Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Loving Gayl

Romeo and Juliet is a play that attempts to show us the true meaning of love; that when two two people are truly in love life itself is a burden if they are parted and death is to be preferred rather than to be parted. I knew this, in my mind; but it is only now that I apprehend its meaning in its entirety and the full, terrible truth of it. I end each day with the hope that I will wake to see Gayl, but every time the Sun heralds the day my hope is crushed and Death wins another day. I know Death will lose the war. It is said that love makes fools of us all, if that is so then I remain a fool for Gayl. It is also said that Love conquers all. Of two things I am certain, One is that Christ's love has conquered death, which means I will be with Gayl again and this burden that I now have will finally be removed. The second is that Gayl loves me too.