Saturday, May 31, 2008

Gayl the Doctor

If you have not seen the movie "People Will Talk," with Cary Grant, you should. Gayl is just like Dr Praetorius in that movie; only more so. Her concern, her motivation for being in medicine was simply to make sick people well. And that she did, with a level of skill, insight, caring, and empathy that most doctors never approach, most never even dream is possible, and none have ever exceeded. And what was her reward for being a good doctor? Nothing, and less than nothing. Endless unjust attacks by the state, endless attacks upon her by her family, ridicule of her by her family, and an early death. She cared for her patients and always did right by them. Always. She was an unequaled warrior against sickness and Death, and the officials in this world rewarded her with slander and injustice. Her patients loved and respected her; she is a marvel as a doctor. The world has lost a great woman and doctor. And Michigan and Ohio deserve to suffer in the most damnable manner for what they did to her.

I cherish Gayl, and always will.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Gayl, after so long

I miss Gayl. Some day soon, we'll be together again and never again apart.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Thank you Lord

Give thanks to the Lord
He has saved Thee
Give thanks to the Lord
Give thanks to the Lord
He has saved Thee
With a love
That can never turn away

Give thanks to the Lord
He has saved Thee
Give thanks to the Lord
Give thanks to the Lord
He has saved Thee
With a Promise
That can never fade away

Give thanks to the Lord
He has saved Thee
Give thanks to the Lord
Give thanks to the Lord
He has saved Thee
And for the Reunion
With loved ones far away